Tuesday, November 29, 2016

6th grade. Tiny Houses


these girls are so creative!
We introduced the "tiny living movement" which is nowadays quite active in USA. We were surprised about the amount of possibilities about "living small-tiny".

First watching some videos of real families and people living in tiny houses to designers, who offer some ideas to distribute the spaces in just 20 m2: from sliding walls, to climbing walls, pulling out beds, hiden kitchens, wet toilets, sofa with storage...

These days we are working on it. Results will come in just a couple of days.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

1st grade A. Trick or treat activity, within Halloween week

On the 31st October was Halloween, as you certainly know. We did several activities at that time. One of those was called "Trick or treat". We explained briefly what it consisted of, then we played it at class all togehter, giving sweets to all the students for having done it so well. After that, the students coloured a worksheet about one of the characters of that celebration: a witch. The results were fantastic but, unfortunately, I forgot to post them.

Sorries for the delay!

Here they are!

1st grade C: A worksheet about clothing

This week we focused on clothing. We started learning the most useful words about that topic through different activities at class. One of these activities is shown below.

The next week we will keep focused on this topic, by using different activities at class and outside, too. So, we wish to show you some new stuff about it very soon!

Bye, bye!


Some days ago the 1st grade did an special activity with plasticine. Moulding it to make forms of some of the animals we had been learning a few days before.

Here some photos!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Who what where and how.


With 5th grade students we have been doing theatre while using the question words: Who, where, how and what.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

5th grade. Sherlock Holmes at Pia Church.


We worked with the english language, but in the darkness!

We had to answer a quiz about Sherlock Holmes. The answers were writen in hiden cards spread in the church of the school. Therefore, we needed to use some torches, and remember about the information of the cards in order to match the answers.

It was good fun!!

1st grade. Plaça Clarà Hunt.


We had some beautifull days of bright sun! So we decided to take our lessons out of the school.

We hunted some items of the daily surroundings of the school: pigeons, tree, sticks with "Y" shape, groups of people, kind of clothes....

As soon as they detected the items of a list, they had to announce it: "I can see...a traffic light, a group of 3 people, a mother with a baby...".

It was a nice activity of searching full of surprises.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

2nd Lovely Autumn 2

Talking a walk just to enjoy de colors, the lights, the nature in the city and by the way practice autumn vocabulary, colours, street words...
We also had a great time playing with the leaves and the fountain.
I leave here the beautiful photos of that day. Enjoy them.

5th grade. Press report about St.Lluc.

Dear parents,

you'll remember that we visited St.Lluc Fair, having a look to the exhibition of pictures, as good reporters. We took pictures, we chose our favorite pieces, and voted on it.

So here is the result of our "jornalism day". This ppt is a press report about that day.

We decided to update the main picture of the "team", since Joel recovered after his accident and Claudia joined the group. So here you will see the team we are on tuesdays.

Enjoy it!


1st grade. My Birthday Calendar.


We sometimes forget the date of my friend's birthday. Does it happen to you also?
So we made our own birthday calendar, asked our english mates, and wrote down their names in the correct date.
We also asked about preferences of colors, likes...? So we added some decoration on the name in order to remember the likes of our special friend.

Monday, November 14, 2016

3rd grde Shoppinglist

The students made  their own circuit with a long rope. Then they had to find the products of their shoppinglist....but...they couldn`t touch the red rope.. because otherwise , they would lose a card.
Watch out !! Don't touch the red rope !

P4 I like.............We played different games and restaurant about food.

These weeks we have worked on food vocabulary,
The monkey likes bananas.
The baby likes milk.
The mouse likes cheese.
The cat likes fish.
The bird likes apples.
The dog likes chiken.

We went to plaza Clara  to find autumn leaves and try to find the different colours,green.yellow ,red orange brown.We had a lot of fun!

We sang a song with gestures;Wnen there is sun and there is rain...there is a rainbow ..there is a rainbow....there is a rainbow in the sky.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

6th grade. Time for origami.

We were thinking again on fashion things... and it was a great surprise to find that clothes can be done by paper. This is the origami paper work.
First we followed some instructions of american videos and after learning, we were ready to act as youtubers and be the ones to describe every step in english.
Here you have! Just prepare a dinA4  paper sheet and follow our instructions :-)

Saturday, November 12, 2016

1st - C group. Topics worked at class: Directions and Prepositions of Place

The last two weeks we have been focusing on learning directions and prepositions of place in a fun way. Firstly, we made a grid to learn key words like forward, backward, left and right. Secondly, we have introduced prepositions of place through different activities like videos and worksheets.

As a whole, we have learnt what means "take a step... forward, backward, to the left, to the right" as well as the main prepositions of place: in, on, at, under, behind, over, in front of and so on.

Here a couple of links where you can find some of the material used at class.



And a photo as a sample!

1st grade - A group. Discovering a foreign tradition: Trick or treat!

During the previous week of Halloween we discovered a foreign tradition: Trick or treat. We finished it colouring a draw of a sinister witch.

Here two photos of the nice drawings made at class!

3r grade. Learning and playing: "What's up" and "Kaleidos"

We have played at two board games that are thought to gain vocabulary as well as improving our memory.

Some photos below!

Making a grid to learn about directions - 3C

After celebrating Halloween it was time to come back to class to keep on learning English.

The purpose of that lesson was to learn more about directions by making a grid on which we had to move following some basic rules:

"Take a step...
Forward, backward, left or right"

We enjoyed preparing all the stuff needed and then playing it actively!

Take a look at some photos below:


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

P5 & 2nd. Lovely Autumn 1

Autumn is one of the most magic seasons of the year. Full of colours and textures. These weeks we have been doing some autumn things. We went out to look for some natural material and can use it in different craft activities. Here the autumn leaves stamp...

Friday, November 4, 2016

It's Halloween week for 2nd grade....

Second grade was working on Halloween topic.
We used a very funny song, The Ghost Family , to practice some language and dance around the class.
They also create some masks to improve the performance.

And the result was this fantastic and friendly "Ghost Family"

The 2nd grade Ghost Family!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

5th grade. Our own monsters.

Hey parents! Please, don't throw the old socks away :-)

Halloween brought us the idea of sewing some monsters from our socks. Why not?
We needed sooo much concentration and focus! However, the task was our goal and each one of us decided to design a different monster.
With this activity we learned some new vocabulary like "sewing, string, needle, threat, knot, button..." as well as practicing through the real experience of: How can I do...? Can you help me with...? I can ..., I can't... , please I need some help...
For sure we have learnt these things in regular lessons, but this was an opportunity to use these expressions in real situations and with it, training the spontaneity in english.

We were sewing for a couple of days in order to get them ready ... and then, a new proposal from the group arised: why don't we do a short movie with them?? And again ... why not? So this is in process right now.

Isn't it nice when the students feel that they can develope their own ideas, and the fact of using a foreign language do not stop or block them to go for it?!?