Saturday, September 30, 2017

1st grade. The seasons. We are in Fall


We dedicated a class to learn what a season is, how many seasons there are a year and how to spell them rightly. We did it by watching a video and by colouring a worksheet, too.

Here below some photographies:

1st grade. The Alphabet: Writing my name


We are getting into the alphabet. The first thing we have learnt is to write our names using letters.

Here below some photographies taken during the class.

3rd grade. Making a memory game


These two weeks we have learnt English by using every day objects and every day places: the classroom and its objects. For example:  how the class is, which objects it contains, and how to spell them rightly in English. We have had fun and learnt many new words about things that are all around us every day.

We have been doing so by doing different activities and exercises. First, we did a worksheet to learn basic vocabulary about such topic. Second, we played a game in which we had to match up post-its, with words written on it, which were spread around the class. Finally, this week we have made and played to a memory game. We have chosen the words, cut the cards and write and draw, all made by ourselves.

Keep in touch


P.S: Here below some photographies taken during the class

Thursday, September 28, 2017

4th grade. Structure of sentences.


The spontaneity when we speak English is very important, and we encorage them to speak without fears about the mistakes. They need to trust themselves.

However, it is important to remind them and keep in mind the basic structure in English with the subject verb and complements. Therefore, we have been creating different games and dinamycs to create sentences in order to choose the right elements in the right order.
Cards, basketball, contests....are some of the elements that we are using to make grammatical issues a little bit more attrative to learn.

2nd grade. Working with clothing and creativity.


Here you have, as we promised, some images aboit the activities that we are doing these days. There are different activities to work on the subject of fashion: learning vocabulary, games to put on and take off clothes, bingo, drawing and designing, being models....

Here you have images of the drawing activity ... and we are already starting to prepare a short video with the models speaking.... still in process.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

5th grade The experiment.......

We did an experiment with blue water ...a candle a glass and a pot. and fire...The result a floating candle !!! How is this possible ? Ask your children  !

Second B The dragon is turning around

Hello , Finaly we could fulfill the boy's wish to do a parade with the dragon. We sang the song ...The green ,green dragon, spitting fire,, very dangerous, turning around ......going up...going down......

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

P5 The body , actions and numbers

We are working on the topic the body and actions .  We are creating a big head out of a  cardboard box and putting eyes  a mouth a nose and hair on it. We were singing the song ¨'  Hokey poky '  that you can find on you tube, supersimple songs. Repeating vocabulary like , shake the hands, turn around ,sit down , stand up, be quiet. We are having a lot of fun !!!!

We repeated vocabulary of last year combined with numbers . For example ...How many fishes are there ?' Then colored the fishes.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

2nd grade: fashion girls

Here we are again!
This is a super girl group....and all about fashion is just amazing.
We have been going through some known vocabulary of clothes and introduced new words.

Combining colors and different elements we are creating nice designs!
We are collecting some of them, drawing and describing them...
You'll see some results in some days....just some patience :-)

5th grade Where did you ? and Where are you going ????

Hello everybody ! There we go again.  We did many things these weeks. We started  with presenting ourselves and talking about the holidays.
We did  different games with the questions: Where did you go ??? and  Where are you going..
This group has a lot of energy and fantasy . So we did a lot of games with movement repeating vocabualary and adding new concepts.
We had loads of fun.

Pictures will follow soon.

Second B We are going to the mountains, the beach and we need.................

Hello everybody, Here we are again ! Some news from second grade.  We started English class again and played many games. we reviewed some vocabulary of last year.
Still inspired by the  Festas of Tura we did a dance with directions imagining being the giants.
One student gave the instructions...for the the right....come together.....seperate while the other students followed the instructions.

We talked about what we need to take with us when we want to go to the mountains or the beach and played a game with objects like: a towel, sunglasses, suncream, a knife ,a torch , some matches a rope. and an umbrella.

Pictures will follow !

P4 Playing at class!

Hi all,

The P4 students are learning the colors! We had fun while learning them and dressing up with animal's hats!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

P5 We are going on a bear hunt!

Hi families!

With some P5 students today we have read, sang  bits and watched the "We are going on a bear hunt" story. We love it and so did our students! Mums and dads, you can find it and watch it together in youtube!

2C - Back to school ON TIME!

Second grade started the new course full of energy!

We talked about their summer holiday, what they did? with who? which activity they enjoyed most?

And now we begin a new topic... The clock and how to tell the time... and the daily routine activities that can be related with each moment.

boardgames, worksheets and crafts will help them with the challenge

we will keep you informed!!!

P5B- The numbers and colours

We are back in a new a course and P5 started to work on numbers and colours...How?

We are reading and working with a GREAT book!

"One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" by Dr. Seuss

2A - Back from holiday

We are reading the book "Mole at the seaside"

Mole goes on holiday to the seaside where he makes new friends and has many adventures.

We talked about their summer vacation. We read the story and commented the different situations that happens in it. We reviewed some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic.

Working hard

Booklet with the vocabulary

Saturday, September 16, 2017

4rd grade - First week - Talking about holidays

Hello to everybody,

This first week, we have started making a list of activities to do at class during the course. We have also talked about our holidays and we have played a game of mimics.

Here below a photography taken last Friday during the game, where we can see Guim doing mimics and his colleagues trying to find it out.

Keep in touch!

3rd grade - First week: Talking about holidays!

Hello to everybody!

This week has been the first of the course. The classes' topic has been the holidays. We have asked and answered questions about it. For example: where did we go?

We have also played a boardgame!

Keep in touch!

Jordi and Laia

1st grade - "Back to school"

Hello to everybody!

Here we are again!. Back to school! This first week we have reviewed a few words related to the classroom and colours.

We have learnt to say "I paint (something) in (red, blue, green...)"

Here below some photographies taken during the class:

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ready to start another great course!

Benvolgudes famílies,

Us deixem un parell de links per consultar els grups/horaris i professors de cara al començament de l'activitat d'anglès extraescolar. Recordar-vos que el primer dia de classe serà el proper dimarts dia 12 de Setembre.

Grups d'alumnes

Horaris i professors dels grups

Per últim recordar-vos que el dijous 28 de Setembre a les 19.00 farem una reunió de presentació de tot l'equip amb l'objectiu de donar-nos a conèixer i per parlar sobre les activitats i metodologies amb les que treballem. Hi esteu tots convidats!

See you soon!!!!