Friday, September 20, 2019

P4 Being Indians........

Hello everybody !

We had already  a lot of fun in the English classes. Normally the class starts when leaving the canteen ,We move like different animals before entering in the classroom.
Then we sit on the floor in a circkle and play a ballgame. These days we moved the ball by saying the sentences; My name is.....and I like green..I like blue etc.
Then there is Song time ,   We moved our bodies  and listened to the songs; I see something blue...and when you happy and you know it clap your hands
This week we started the topic Indians, We danced and named differnt actions (walk, jump, play the drum) in the video 10 little indians. We made  a real indian headband and played as  we were indians.

And as you see . They are a real tribe !!! And  friendship is very important.

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