Friday, November 27, 2020

1B group - News from november

 Hello families!

How are you?

Here I am  updating the highlights from november. 

At first we  went out to get some fresh air and exercise vital  street vocabulary:

 Pay attention!

It's green, go ahead!

It's red, wait!

We go together! Please don't run!

We go to the playground!

Once we were there we played a version of parchis, the traditional game challenged by english questions.

   "Our story time" I am hurt  was about body parts  and we learned new expressions like:

I am hurt !

My finger hurts, my leg hurts...

Touch your hand, touch your arm..

Where is your foot? Where is your nose?

We danced and had fun together listening to the  body rap!

Our "grammar topic" was about prepositions of place.  We constructed a preposition dice and together we helped the rabbit be in, on, next to, behind, in front  and above the box.

We celebrated Thanksgiving  and we finish the month so grateful for the family, friends, food, health and all the love that is surround us.

Icono de Validado por la comunidad

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