Friday, September 28, 2018

4th - back to English

4th is back to work!

We spend the first week talking about their favourite: colours, food, cartoons and more... they use these word to create "word clouds"

They used an online application:

Monday, September 24, 2018

Second of ESO About parents.

Hello everybody,

Every monday I meet 5 girls from second of ESO.  Our goal is to speak a lot by acting out different life situations.
 Last week we worked on the the topic parents. We talked about how parents should be. The students made sentences about what their parents should do or should'nt do.
This week we did a role play inspired by a video.  The students had to act out a situation .
The situation was how to tell some bad news to your parents.
We had fun and the students found some creative solutions!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

6th grade Making a video about life in a space station

Hello ,

After a long summer we started the classes again.  First week we made sentences about summer, what we did, what we bought and where we went. We did this activity by passing around ice cubes as it was a very hot day.
Last week we worked on the topic space station. Two teams had to create a space station  out of cardboards  , using tables , chairs etc and afterwards present the space station in a video.
The inspiration came  from the video: How it works from the international space station. (you tube)
 Of course there was an alien caught in a box by team 1.
Team 2 had thought about growing patatoes in the space ship. .
We had a lot of fun !!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

5th grade In Space

Hello everybody,

After a fresh start making sentences about summer and the activities that we like ,while passing around  icecubes  , we started with the topic Space.
We watched a part of the interesting video : How it works from the international space station (youtube).
After watching the video the students had to create their own space station using cardboards, clothes, tables and chairs.
We are working on the dynamic of this group so the need of the students to express themselves is combined with learning English .
Hope to give you soon more information.

P5 In the mood for playing !!!!

Hello everybody !

With P5 we started with the topic summer followed by the topic animals.
To  repeat  vocabulary we used the following song;

Blue blue blue is the colour I see
Blue blue blue is the colour I like .
because I like the blue of the sea the blue of the shark and the blue on me

Red red red is the colour I see  Red red red is the colour i like ..Because i like the red of the ladybird the red of the ladybird and the red on me  etc etc etc etc with all the colours

You can't find this song on you tube as I sing it with the guitar.

We played different games to learn and repeat the animals.

And we created our animals by using play dough. We had a lot of fun!!!

Vocabulary we used; colours, boat , fish, sea ,bird, shark, frog , mouse, dog, ladybird, piguin, dog.
I am a......(different animals)  I see a.......

Clap your hands , stamp your feet, turn around  and sit on the ground,,   eat, sleep , sing ,dance, play football, play basketball,   while singing the song the children mime the different actions.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

P4 In full action ! The body and animals

Hello everybody,

This P4 group is very motivated !! We usually start playing a game or singing a song with gestures outside on the playground. When we arrive at the door  they say  ; ¨Open the door ¨ for opening the classroom.
We started with the topic the body and animals and the colours (yellow red blue and green)

Each class we start with a circle . After the circle we play a game . Then there is the moment of the magic bag, We sing all together;  Magic bag ...magic bag ...what is inside the magic bag .  magic bag magic bag ; What is inside ??????

There is always a surprise in the bag. They can play a game with the surprise.

Vocabulary we used:    Hello,  What's your name ?  Animals; a shark a fish  an elephant ,a lion, a frog ,  a                                            a sheep,  a monkey, a dog
                                     clap your  hands  stamp your feet  turn around and sit on the ground, play                                             football, sing, dance
                                     yellow ,red, blue and green.

When the class finishes  we sing we're gonna tidy, tidy up.
We always have a lot of fun!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Ready to start another school year!

Hi families,

We are up and running and all ready to start another school year full of energy, freshness and motivation! We hope everyone will have fun and enjoy over the next months! As always, our blog will be an open window for you to see what we do and some of the projects that we have. We want to encourage you to keep an eye on it! and REMEMBER! we would love to have some of you coming for a day or more, just to observe or even better, to participate or do an activity for the students!

Fins below the links for the groups, timetable, teachers and classrooms

Grups d'alumnes actualitzat 12/9

Horaris i professors

Warm regards!

The English team